Archive for the ‘News’ Category


September 28, 2011

Dear Social Services,

I looked at about ten two bedroomed properties today via estate agents in town. I found two that  might  be suitable for me to rent and were offered to me.

Both want me to pay the usual £250 fee for the privilege of being ‘referenced’ as well as some weasil agents fee of about a hundred pounds. I will not pass that test as I was evicted from my house with mortgage arrears and I have been unable to pay utility bills yet as communications with creditors has not been possible. I will also fail that referencing process because I have no previous landlord – ever – and I am not currently employed.

The web site of one agent specifically states ‘no housing benefit’ claimants on every property it is renting.

If social services are prepared to genuinely assist me in obtaining privately rented accommodation I need to be  able to actually be in a position to instantly provide payment of a ‘holding deposit’ which is the amount of the referencing fee. I also need to be able to offer the estate agent the bargaining chip of six months rent (please see my previous email) in advance to compensate for their imaginary perceived problems with ‘housing benefit’.

This is the only way I might be able to pursue the rental of either of these properties, (or any other property anywhere)  and I have to get on with it immediately on Wednesday September 28 otherwise another prospective tenant will take the property instead.

I have not yet told either of the agents I am in receipt of ‘benefits’ yet and one agent has chosen me as a preferred potential tenant over another tenant wanting the same property. The other tenant competing for this property will replace me instantly if I am not able to conclude a successful negotiation immediately with the cash clout needed.

All the other estate agents that I have explained my circumstances of being on benefits to, have not even bothered to have any further dealings with me, as they clearly are uninterested in tenants on benefits.

If it is not possible for me to be assisted to bypass this obscene renting system which outlaws housing benefit recipients etc, then it is clear searching through estate agents is pointless and waiting to see the rare and random privately advertised property might mean spending years before discovering a rentable property.

Effectively, this means it is impossible for me to obtain privately rented accommodation anywhere.

If it is not possible to meaningfully assist me in obtaining one of the above rentals, or any other similar rental, then the only possible route to me and my son finding accommodation is through social housing – which the Council have (wrongfully in my opinion) refused to apply, despite the very clear intentions of housing law.

I still intend to bring this issue before the County Court and take it to whatever higher court is required if necessary but this will take a very long time.

The only other alternative would appear to be that I must currently expect to be street homeless with my son who must then be taken into care at a greater cost than simple accommodation would cost.

I would respectfully point out there is absolutely nothing whatever I can do to alter the facts as I have outlined them in my emails to you. I am perfectly able to search and find suitable accommodation – which I have done.

But if it is not possible to bypass the outlandish barriers which have been erected to prevent disadvantaged tenants from renting property, I cannot see how this issue can be solved, except by means of social housing. I would be quite happy to rent privately if I was able to, but it is no good anyone constantly telling me to do so if it has been made impossible by the parasites who have brought this ludicrous system of renting into being.

Meanwhile, the owner of the B&B my son and I am is expecting me to leave on Wednesday September 28th, and I have no other accommodation for my son and I to go to.

I would be grateful if you would email me and or telephone me to inform me of what you expect me to do in the circumstances.

I cannot telephone you as I have no money at present to buy further credit in order to use my mobile phone.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Single Dad


July 14, 2011


I desperately need ‘help’. Despite being relatively intelligent & well educated, of the profession & middle classes, I need ‘help’ from someone or somewhere because I am completely flummoxed by the tidal wave of incomprehensible and malign bureaucracy which is assaulting me from all sides.

“Flummoxed’ is a rather too polite & diplomatic way of describing the problem really. Persecuted and driven to despair by having every attempt to live a normal life thwarted by small minded fools employed by various organisations, mostly government ones, who have invented weirdly convoluted Kafka-esque ‘rules’ to force me to spend my entire time every day battling with, would be more appropriate.

Trying to deal with the demented demands of these Alice in Wonderland ‘rules’ which govern all of my everyday life at the moment, is quite impossible.

I just do not know how to deal with it; what the ‘rules’ are and so on; what ‘forms’ to fill in; what ‘applications’ to make etc. And there is no-one to explain how to go about complying with this time-wasting nonsense.

For some things, I need a lawyer to advise me on how to use legal procedures and law to force malign people to stop behaving illegally or with a blatant disregard of the everyday rule of law, who are wrecking my life and my child’s life.

That is what lawyers are for. They know the law and how to use it; the ordinary citizen does not, which is why they employ the specialist knowledge of the lawyer who will know how to deal with legal problems the ordinary person does not.

But lawyers are (more…)


July 12, 2011

I have just learned the local council is planning to steal the entire contents of my house.

My twelve year old son and I were evicted from our home by the evil, grasping sub-prime mortgage lender Southern Pacific Mortgages Limited or SPML for short.

This bunch of thieves was a subsidiary of the dishonest bank Lehmanns Bros which caused the Worldwide financial disaster which we are still struggling with today, with rapidly increasing job losses and poverty everywhere.

So, the council sent me a letter telling me why they have a legal obligation to re-house my son and I, then announced (more…)


July 8, 2011

Oh, my fellow Wowsers, have I got a tale to tell you !

I don’t think you could make it up really. Truth is stranger than fiction they say, and I wouldn’t dare invent all these events and expect anyone to believe it all – unless it was all true. But it is all true, and I can prove it; so here goes.

I’d like to start at the beginning, but that was a long time ago, so it can wait while I just catch up with the present – somewhere in the middle of the story, so to speak. Anyway, I’m too tired and too busy right now to think all the way back to that beginning some thirteen years or so ago.

In a way, it started even earlier than that I suppose; when I (more…)


November 29, 2010

And reduced me to complete poverty as a single father, forced into bringing up my son without his mother.

Its all done and dusted and I have custody now and have done for ages.

Briefly what happened was: (more…)