Posts Tagged ‘child poverty’


November 19, 2011

Hello, my fellow Wowsers ! Sorry to have let you down recently by being conspicuous by my absence, but I’ve had a slightly difficult time – to say the least ! Writing the blog has been out of the question really. I have been pushed to the limits of endurance, read on and find out exactly what I mean.

So, tonight I am mildly inebriated, my mind slightly numbed with red wine – not a lot – only about three quarters of a bottle so far. Age dictates that I can no longer drink the fairly heroic amounts of red wine I used to drink. And I am listening to some delightful classical music – Brahms, Chopin, various Gregorian chants, Vespers etc. Fantastic ! Good food, good wine, good music – food for the soul.

But I have had the first decent bit of food for six months, and I have just stuffed ‘triple chocolate’ – that’s just a fancy name for a lot of chocolate – ice cream into my mouth after a ‘main course’ of fried then boiled minced beef with just some fried onions and an Oxo cube with a copious amount of frozen peas, one fried sausage from a specialist ‘sausage shop‘ and some boiled rice using chicken stock, then fried; delicious.

Not exactly gourmet food, but out of this World after the utter garbage I have been forced to eat in the bed and breakfast accommodation social services threw me and my son into during then past six months.

My son announced by means of a voicemail message he sent me after leaving school this afternoon that he was going off with a new found friend to have a ‘sleep-over’ at his new friend’s house just around the corner from our rented house so I am Alone ! The ultimate luxury of a parent plagued with the demanding presence of a child constantly present for thirteen years.

There was a bit of bother. He didn’t tell me the address and I couldn’t get a connection on my useless THREE G mobile phone to listen to his voicemail message which would give me the telephone number he was calling from. The THREE G mobile telephone and internet service is utterly useless as I have found out to my cost since signing up to it shortly after I was evicted from my house six months ago. It is almost always just not working as it is completely overloaded and not enough bandwidth is available for the volume of calls.

It often just doesn’t work because the Hutchinson Whampoa THREE Mobile phone company just don’t provide enough transmission masts in the UK for proper network coverage. I think they are just con merchants really.

They have let me down badly over the past few months as I depended completely on them for being able to function to keep in touch and generally sort out my life. Loads of other people have told me they are a useless mobile telephone and mobile internet company too, with similar tales of being unable to make connections whenever they want to make a a telephone call or use the internet.

But now I am in my new rented house in Tunbridge Wells; not brilliant, but better than the disgusting Bed and breakfast accommodation in Crawley the social services flung my son and I into.


September 18, 2011

September 18th 2011

It is Sunday today, so I can let the boy stay asleep as long as he wants to –  or at least up until midday as he wants to meet a friend at the skate park in the next town seven miles away at one p.m. because there is what he calls a Skateboard ‘Jam’ going on there.

Jam ? Jam ? I thought jam was something you spread on bread. I suppose it is another ‘import’ from American culture.

As we both went to sleep diabolically late – about 3 a.m. – I slept late too. I woke up first at 8 a.m. because of noisy breakfast goings on in the next room.

I was wide awake and slightly cold despite having gone to bed fully clothed. The thin, cheap and nastily shoddy duvet the skinflint B&B owner supplies is useless at keeping  me warm, and it’s only early autumn, not even winter yet !

The room is a bit like an underground prison cell too; small, poky and cold, dark, dank and airless and with only a small, narrow window high up under the ceiling of the room which hardly lets in any light. It is really a ghastly place to live.

My thirteen year year old son and I have been living here three months now, forced to live almost like vagrants thanks to the vindictive nastiness of the benefits system which has systematically persecuted us ever since I became a lone father over ten years ago, bringing up my son entirely by myself. (more…)


August 6, 2011

email to my MP dated August 1st 2011

My thirteen year old son and I have been deliberately made homeless and thrown out onto the streets today by Social Services.  There was no warning whatever. Both of us will be sleeping in a shop doorway or similar tonight or certainly by tomorrow night.

My local Council illegally  & wrongly described me as ‘intentionally homeless’ after I was evicted from my home in March this year by a vicious sub-prime mortgage lender (Lehmans Bros subsidiary SPML).

This meant the Council could deny they had any legal obligations under law to re-house my son & I. They had announced about three years ago they intended to do this and describe me as ‘intentionally homeless’ . It seemed obvious to me the Council official concerned was being deliberately spiteful for some unknown reason.

Frankly, they seemed to me to be sadists who had an opportunity to ‘get at’ a professional ‘middle class’ person and kick the hell out of him by the inappropriate exercise of the power they had over me. There is simply no other way of putting it. They seemed to be making that very clear to me – although of course they will deny that.

Without any meaningful warning I was therefore consequently thrown out of the B&B the Council had originally put me in immediately after I had been evicted . (more…)


December 16, 2010

It is right suddenly unemployed/ill people should receive housing support to prevent the nasty minded lenders throwing them out on the street within a few months – which is what they generally try and do.

But the housing benefit system is utterly, utterly poisonous because it costs the taxpayer a fortune, lines the pockets of the lenders & completely fails most people falling on hard times. I know this because (more…)


November 29, 2010

And reduced me to complete poverty as a single father, forced into bringing up my son without his mother.

Its all done and dusted and I have custody now and have done for ages.

Briefly what happened was: (more…)


November 11, 2010


I feel like exploding with frustration at the ghastliness of State employees, taken as a whole. They create an Orwellian nightmare of huge proportions and gigantic expense – our expense, taxpayers expense; every man woman and child in the Country has to pay for these nasty people to interfere with and damage all our lives in millions of different ways.

Some of these State employees each contributed their little bit to my own nightmare experience of them through their appalling (more…)

Refugees flee the tyranny of social workers

November 9, 2010

By Christopher Booker

Published in the Sunday Telegraph 7th Nov 2010

Refugees flee the tyranny of social workers

There was a time when Britain took pride in offering a safe haven to the victims of tyrannies in other countries. Today we see this in reverse, with scores of families each year fleeing this country as the only way to escape a vicious system bent on seizing their newborn children for no good reason. Last week I heard two more such horror stories and this week I will relate the first, in which I am legally compelled to disguise the names.

Roger and Carol lived happily in Doncaster with their five-year-old daughter. One day last November they had a marital disagreement, involving no more than raised voices. They were overheard by a neighbour who called the police. The couple were arrested and held for nine hours before being released without charge. But the police had (more…)


October 28, 2010

I was propelled unwillingly from being a modestly prosperous middle class Tory voting professional type into the benefits cess pit because my partner became ill with schizophrenia.

There were three children to look after, one a baby; and then there was one mad woman to look after as well. Mad people tend often to be a full time job a lot of the time – particularly when they are busy being a raving psychotic.

I’ll never forget the night my stepdaughter (more…)


October 24, 2010


Don’t you believe it ! It’s no picnic being a single parent living in the poverty of State benefits. It is unpleasant, brutish and nasty.

I am a single dad struggling to survive a system of State benefits that are sanctimoniously described as a ‘support’ system for people on hard times, but in reality are a nightmare which inflicts misery on those people it is supposed to ‘help’ and ends up destroying people’s lives.

The bureaucrats responsible for administering this system of State benefits are poisonously inefficient and mostly couldn’t care less about the unnecessary misery they inflict on their victims.

The more senior civil servants responsible for translating the legislation generated in Parliament think nothing of making up convoluted, pointlessly labyrinthine ‘rules’ to act as a framework for doing what Parliament intended.

If this means wasting hundreds or even thousands of millions of pounds of public money, meanwhile ensuring the poverty struck recipients of State benefits remain in total poverty while this public money is squandered, so what ? Who cares. These civil servants certainly don’t care how much of our money they waste.

This blog is intended to tell the story of my struggle to survive as a single parent after my son’s Mother became seriously ill with schizophrenia when he was born. I have had absolutely no support or help from anyone at all. There has been no family helping out and no other help either.

There have been many surreal experiences as the State has exhibited its unthinkingly totalitarian brutishness of breathtakingly Orwellian dimensions.

This is the story of my struggle against the State’s determination to completely destroy my life with it’s army of unpleasant, politically correct, self important idiots being paid vast amounts of taxpayers money to interfere in people’s lives and destroy the freedom of the individual the United Kingdom used to be famous for.